Was für ein schönes Fundstück im Netz
Das ist übrigens die Seite zu einem der interessantesten Bücher zu den Themen Schamanismus, Bön und Buddhismus, die mir überhaupt jemals zwischen die Finger und unter die Augen gekommen sind.
Herrlich auch, wie unsere lieben Dussel-Esos abgefertigt werden...
http://www.boandbon.com/Siberian%20Shamanism%20and%20Bo%20Murgel.html Kurz: Es gibt sie, aber sie sind völlig indiskutabel und haben mit Schamanismus nicht das Mindeste zu tun :o)))
"On top of that we now have the so-called 'New Age shamans' who believe in what they like, following a mixture of their own making with all but no idea about the choosing, obligations and work of a real shaman in the original sense of the word. Furthermore there is confusion between 'Shamanism' and 'Paganism', names which are often used interchangeably."
Links zu "Bө and Bön":
"Some people in the West believe that if they work really hard and take classes, they can become a shaman. This simply is not so. A shaman is born and can not be made. The spirits choose a person at birth and shamans are given an extra soul. This is what makes a person a shaman, not classes and workshops.
There is nothing a person can do in their life to force the spirits to choose them. They have already chosen. There are other paths that a spiritual person can choose, however, that they can still serve their community in a spiritual way. Some of these callings are listed on this website under “Other Spiritual Callings”."
Uhanek - 7. Feb, 13:00